Thursday, August 18, 2011


Friends! Welcome to the Lunch Club for Ladies. Here is our blog, on which we will no doubt enjoy gourmet recipes from Melissa, wit from Andrea, house managing tips from Liz, and book recommendations from Kalie. (You are, of course, not limited to this. Post anything and often!)

We will take turns hosting and planning our bimonthly playdate/lunch meetings. There are no rules, except that we all will eat and bring our babies. And if we need to meet more often or less often or even meet sans babies, that is fine.

The food, however, is non-negotiable. (Do you ladies love how bossy I am?)

After our meetings, be sure to post recipes and include the tags "Recipe" and your name.

Andrea, you're hosting next!

1 comment:

kalie said...

Isaac is having one year pictures next Thursday, but I can do Wednesday or Friday. Hope we can work it out ... I'm excited!

And as for your awesomeness...I'm just hoping to soak up some of your brilliance and style. You're so stylish!